The 3 Point Task Destroying Method

Stick with me, and I’ll share with you the exact way to use the “3 Point Task Destroying Method.”

Imagine that you have a mountain of tasks to do in a day, but not enough time or energy to do it? What do you do? Drink more coffee and stay up late? Or maybe wake up extra early the next morning to get it finished before the next set of tasks?

I'll let you in on a little productivity secret...

The Keeping Clever way is keeping to physically write a list of ALL the tasks (even if it feels like there are hundreds of them!!).

Here how it works. You write down all of the tasks you have, the big ones and the small daily ones, and focus on finishing one at a time in batches of three. You can do this by picking 1-2 that are most important, crucial that you accomplish them THAT DAY, and then pick 1-2 smaller easy goals.

For example:

Task 1: Do the dishes from breakfast.

Task 2: Write a newsletter and add it to the queue.

Task 3: Speak with 10 clients .

When this batch of three is finished, move on to the next three most important tasks written on the list.

The goals is to do as many batches of 3/day as possible!

Sounds simple? That’s because it is! 😉

What is your favorite way to accomplish the tasks of the day? Leave your answers in the comments!

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