Welcome to KC’s ever-growing resource collections

These collections are ever-growing, which means they will always be filling with new additions (videos, articles, courses, trainings, coach profiles, and so much more!) all dedicated to their respective category to help you find the information you need to make the next right move to turn your ideas into a big reality.




The company is the body and the brand is the soul. Learn how to build your business with branding that helps you stand out in the market, and write a clear picture of who you are.



personal presentation

If you had your own magazine, an introduction to what people can expect from knowing you… What would it say? What would be featured on the cover? Let’s figure it out. Read the articles below.




Book recommendations by category

“My best friend is a person who will give me a book I have not read.” — Abraham Lincoln

What is something you want to grow yourself in? Maybe you want a happier mindset, stronger writing skills, to understand people better. Select the category you wish to strengthen in, and find a select libarary of carefully chosen books to help you.



Coaches & Educators

You don’t have to take the journey on alone. What if there were someone in your life to hold your hand, teach you, and guide you towards your greatest success? Meet the coaches, mentors, and educators recommended below.



Communication & Speaking

There is an art to communication. Use it well, and you can create some of the best friends and associates of your life. Use it poorly, and those relationships can dissipate before they begin. Here are some articles, videos and coaches that can help you build your communication and speaking skills so your life of relationships grows.



Mindset Strength

The key to powerful actions is a strong mind to back them. These articles, tips, and coaches are here to help you strengthen your mindset in every faction you need to be the best version of yourself possible.



Productivity hacking

Whether you have 10 tasks to do in a day or 100, you might feel yourself become unmotivated, tired, sluggish, or even mentally incapable of completing the days’ work! Here we have a collection of resources to help you revamp your motivation, but also to boost your productivity levels significantly.



Rest & Recreation

You’re working hard to make your ideas come to life. At the end of the day, you are human and also need to take care of yourself too. Here are some ideas to help you have the best R&R time with friends, family, and even on your own.



Social media to grow your business

Imagine that you had a million followers on your Instagram. That you received new friends requests every day on Facebook. Or that big companies were flooding your inbox with requests to do collaborations.

Are you already there? Great! If not, how about we help you get there?

Check out some of these social media resources on HOW TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA and build your online presence!



Website Design

Do you have a website for your business? Here you can find the resources to help you build, brand, style, and amplify your website and online presence.

If you already have a website, look for the articles marked “Site Upgrade” for guided help to make your current website stronger than before.

Looking for something specific?